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About Us

About US

Operatelabs is a venture committed towards empowering education through experiential learning solutions for schools and colleges.  Operatelabs is the national leader in applied training on Robotics, Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing for K-12 students, Engineering graduates and professionals. The idea of starting Operatelabs germinated from the fact that Indian academic system is predominantly focused on rote classroom learning with little scope for the application of theory thus creating a huge gap between the academia and current industry needs.  Operatelabs is committed to fill this void in technology education through its innovative products and training services thus playing a significant role in our nation’s strive to be a technological super power.

We have started operations with our own young, passionate and highly motivated team of designers, developers, trainers, and the student community.

Company Overview; 

Founded in 2014, Robolabs  is transformed into OperateLabs Pvt Ltd, and it has evolved into a leading Technology and business process services provider. Satisfied Clients and dedicated professionals started with young blood working under experienced heads. OperateLabs Company is world first Artificial intelligence  Development board creates and also India’s first android telepresence robot developers. We offer a professional design service which includes hardware and Software Development. We offer cutting edge technology in robotics and Embedded Electronics, providing world class teaching experience with advanced laboratory and lab instruments.

Corporate Training

Every organization aspires to offer training programs, which meet the industry standards and bring out the best in their employees. For a company, every employee is a potential leader in his / her own domain. Today corporate training is one of the very essential needs of any organization and that’s where IT comes into picture. Expertise to impart training to the corporate world we organize as per our client's requirement and can train at client's location or our location with equal ease.


We focus on empowering the student’s technical strength and their creative ideas in technologies as well as in products and services for professional and private use. Our ambition is to enhance the quality of life with solutions that are both innovative and beneficial.


To create a team of competent professionals who provide quality solutions to the customers with a philosophy of professional excellence, commitment to clients, integrity and fairness having clear focus "Customer Satisfaction”, to make it clear our concept is "Make in India".


  • To provide training and services that would be synonymous with the quality and standards.
  • Innovations Labs ensures the maximum trainees and customers Satisfaction by implementing the quality standards and practicing the quality.
  • Our team of dedicated professionals & research work with passion to maintain and continually improve the quality in keeping with our mission objectives.
  • Providing an enriching technologies learning experience to the trainees.
  • Enabling trainees to gain hands-on experience on real-time tech Development System.


  • Technologies Training at Campus (IIT Certificate).
  • R&D unit in college.
  • Project and product exhibition.
  • Workshops on cutting edge technology.
  • Academic Projects preparation ideas.
  • Real time exposes  for students.
  • Updating students in another college like IIT’s NIIT’s


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